Closing my eyes and seeking for the interior man inside, I feel God within me. Whenever I go for evidence and scientific experience and other proof for the existence of god I did never find him.
I doubt the inspiration of the word of god, still I believe that the Bible is divinely written. Because when I read the Holy Bible I get an inspiration as if god is sending me a message. The world is still in confusion with regard to what God conveys to us. I think you left Christianity because of your ignorance. There was a time in my life when I was thinking that it was a curse that I am born Christian. Now I have come into the fullness of truth that got gave me a Christian citizenship in this world, that I was introduced to Gospel write from the beginning of life.
You left a Christianity that is based on your conviction. God has given you the free will to act or not to act according to the truth revealed to you. But god is still merciful. I believe that god will be looking upon you for your coming back. I request you to follow your conscience. Because I believe you even those who do not know Christ has a spiritual element in that person because he will be able to act in his or her life according to the Christ values because of the image and likeness of God which is in a human person.